5 Strategies for Healing Emotional Trauma and Past Wounds

Lang Amor
2 min readApr 6, 2023

My artistic endeavors are about expressing who we are.

The 5 Strategies I Used to Heal My Emotional Trauma and Past Wounds Welcome to Langamor, a channel for the expression of who we are. In this blog post, we will explore five strategies for healing emotional trauma and past wounds. My wonderful snuggle companions! How are you? Welcome to Langamor, my channel. I am a language nut. I produce a number of videos for the Langamor “Thank you for kidnapping me” series.

Strategy 1: Be expressive. According to Holocaust survivor and author Edith Eger, expression is the antithesis of depression. Therefore, the first strategy for healing emotional trauma is to be expressive. Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions, even if it means shouting and sobbing aloud. By doing so, you can release pent-up emotions and begin to heal.

Strategy 2: Sit in Discomfort After experiencing emotional trauma, it can be tempting to avoid uncomfortable situations. However, sitting in discomfort can actually be a helpful strategy for healing. By facing painful situations and acknowledging your emotions, you can begin to process and move past them.

Strategy 3: Release Your Rage Pent-up anger and frustration can contribute to emotional trauma. To heal, it’s important to release this rage in a healthy and constructive way. This might involve physical exercise, therapy, or other forms of self-care.

Strategy 4: Surround yourself with supportive people. Healing from emotional trauma is a difficult process, and it’s important to have a support system in place. Surround yourself with people who love and care for you, and who will support you as you heal.

Strategy 5: Write Your Own Narrative Finally, it’s important to take control of your own story. You have the power to edit your own narrative and create a positive and empowering story for yourself. Seek out resources, such as books or therapy, that can help you rewrite your story in a way that promotes healing and growth. Conclusion: Healing from emotional trauma is a difficult and often painful process. However, by following these five strategies, you can begin to move past your past wounds and create a brighter, more positive future for yourself.



Lang Amor

Thanks for kidnapping me and writer of entertaining language learning readers!